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Cream Cheese Vegetable - 6 x 150gr

Cream Cheese Vegetable - 6 x 150gr
Cream Cheese Vegetable - 6 x 150gr Cream Cheese Vegetable - 6 x 150gr Cream Cheese Vegetable - 6 x 150gr

Our farm fresh milk is used to make this real creamy cream cheese. Cheese soft as cream is the perfect spread for your sandwiches and baguettes. The vegetable spicy touch is added using the freshest vegetables on the market.

Product Code: 0221
Packaging: Box of 6 x 150gr
Content: each tub contains 150gr soft cream cheese
Kosher Supervision
Kosher Certificate: Machsike Hadas Antwerpen
Kashrus type: Dairy - חלבי / Chalav Yisroel - חלב ישראל